Note: This site is intended to be a helpful selection of resources related to technology, data, open government, and related laws in New York State. The information here is not guaranteed to be up-to-date, complete, or reliable.


Association of Fire Districts of the State of New York

Aims to improve the fiscal responsibility, efficiency and effectiveness of the fire district management through education, training and advocacy for commissioners and other fire district officials in the 57 counties outside of the City of New York.

NY Planning Federation

Aims to provide education and information, thereby encouraging sound practices and effective administration in the planning and zoning fields; provide a clearing house for such education and information on the purposes and techniques of planning, including zoning, land use, subdivision control and other related interests; promote communication and cooperation among planning and zoning board members, municipal and public agencies, professionals and professional associations, academic institutions and others involved directly or indirectly in the practice of planning; provide a forum for discussion of relevant issues of common concern among members; provide opportunities for continuing education for planning practitioners and others interested in sound land use planning practices; and promote community and regional planning and programs to preserve the quality of life within the counties, cities, towns and villages of New York State.

NYS Assessors' Association

Aims to improve the standards of assessment practice; provide a clearing house for the collection and distribution of useful information relating to the assessment of real property; educate the taxpaying public on the nature and importance of the work performed by assessing officers; engage in research and improve assessment technique and practice; sponsor legislative proposals relating to assessing and taxation; cooperate with other agencies interested in the improvement of tax administration; and promote equity in the distribution of the real property tax.
